2 Year Progress Check
A child’s keyperson will complete a progress check at the age of 2 years which coincides with their 2-year check with their Health Visitor. The information within our 2-year progress check can be taken to the Health Visitors check and discussed with the child’s health visitor.
The 2-year check summarises a child’s achievements and determines whether a child is developing within their age-related expectation.
The check focusses on the prime areas of development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language Development and Physical Development.
Transition To School
Such an important part of a child’s life is starting school. We support our children in a range of ways to be ‘school ready’.
Just some of the things we do:
- Teach phonics
- Teach the children self-care skills, such as toileting, hand washing, and dressing themselves independently
- Teach early Mathematics and Literacy skills including reading where children take home reading books to suit their developmental stage in reading.
- Teach secure relationships and friendships
- Teach our golden rules
- Good listening ears
- Kind Hands & feet
- Kind words
- Walking feet indoors
- Good sitting
- Quiet voices indoors

In the term before going to school we have uniforms for each school in the home corner for the children to pretend with along with a wide range of activities relating to going to school. We arrange meetings with teachers and visits to nursery from teachers. We complete a transition document for each child for parents, carers and teachers with all of their developmental progress.

Online Learning
Get support online through Tapestry. Your child will have an online learning journal helping both parents and staff monitor and track the learning and development of each child during their time at Ladybird, ensuring an individual learning approach suited to each child’s needs.
Through Tapestry we’ll be able to provide you with real-time observations, pictures, and messages. So you’ll always be in the know as to what your child is doing while they’re here.
We have a wealth of experience and knowledge of child development to help provide your child with the very best care, attention and support through their early years.