Our Vision
- Be kind caring supportive and have a child centred approach.
- Be inclusive.
- Offer a Stimulating safe secure and welcoming environment.
- Offer appropriate, responsive, challenging, differentiated and open-ended learning opportunities.
- Offer experiences that reflect value and celebrate a diverse community.
- Work in partnership with parents
- Work in partnership with outside agencies effectively
- Offer systems of communication
- Highly skilled, motivated, enthusiastic team of staff
- Believe that children are capable, independent beings
- Be positive role models.
- Value and respect all celebrate individuality and diversity.
- Listen, reflect on practice, and strive to improve as changes and new information develop.
- Work within all policies and procedures
- Be flexible and playful.
- Enhance learning in the moment.
- Promote a healthy lifestyle.
- Ensure staff have access to ongoing professional development opportunities.
- Make the best of resources.